Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sandrail Parts

sandrail parts

sandrail frames

Buggy Construction Tips Using Sandrail Parts

Executive Summary about " Sandrail Parts " by " Nick"

So you want to tear up the dunes with your own dune buggy but you're not sure whether to buy a complete turnkey buggy or use some dune buggy plans with sandrail parts to build your own?

The main factor that people consider when deciding to buy/build a dune buggy is the cost of the project, how much is it going to cost me if I decide to buy one vs. build one myself?

That said the most important factor in dune buggy construction is which plans and sandrail parts to use for construction. Let’s face it you are about to invest quite a bit of money and time into building a dune buggy so make sure you choose quality plans from the start.

Most good quality, proven plans will set you back around $100-$200 and will give you good solid information and a step by step procedure to building your buggy. You can get plans for cheaper but usually these are quite basic and you won't get the detail you need to build the buggy properly.

For me personally, building my own dune buggy is one of the most fun and most rewarding projects I have done.

Build Your Own Dune Buggy - It's Not Hard (Or is It)?

Executive Summary about " Sandrail Parts " by "Peter Clark"

You've seen some great dune buggies on the beach lately, and you've decided that owning and driving a dune buggy looks great. Basically there are 3 places that dune buggies are driven, and each requires a different build.

Yes you can drive a dune buggy on the road. Then there's the classic place for dune buggies, the dunes. Sand driving is probably about the most fun that you can have in a buggy, but it needs a buggy with specific characteristics. Then there's the off road buggy designed for the dirt. So if you're intending to build your own dune buggy, then you need to work out your exact requirements first. Frame, motor, tires, suspension, brakes, roll cage, body, if you want one of sandrail parts.

So is it hard to build your own buggy? However if you haven't done much work with cars before then yes, building a dune buggy isn't easy. My first recommendation if you thinking of building your own dune buggy for the first time? Buy a dune buggy kit or at the very least some high quality dune buggy plans to work from. So grab yourself a second hand buggy, learn all you can about it first, learn all you can about building a dune buggy for yourself and, if you really want to, build your second buggy once you know what you're in for.

Article you may be Interested In Reading: Aceco Sandrail